Contract Management System |
CELEBRIS Contract Management System is based on a cleverly designed flexible contract based model to facilitate the very complex and dynamically changing pricing schemas of ground handling companies, which is very difficult to define and keep up to date with static pricing schemas.
A contract may be an IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement or a simple contract with any company.
The agreement definition contains main agreement details as well as invoicing and payment specific information like invoice group, invoice currency, royalty currency, invoice generation periods, payment types, payment days and invoice postage days.
The system keeps track of agreement history by supporting definition of addendums, amendments or replacements for agreement.
Different pricing schemas for different pricing periods can be defined in one agreement. The agreement details contain Annex B definitions: technical discount ratios, commission rates for external services and services included in the agreement with a specific pricing schema for each service.
Apply conditions and prices in the pricing schema are defined by the user, by editing mathematical formulas with the supplied context variables.
The context variables can either be simple field values like aircraft model or very complex functions' results like yearly revenue from a particular airline.
The types and number of these context variables are only limited by one's imagination.
The flexibility in the definition of the pricing schema leads to success in ground handling agreements.
All prices can be defined royalty or VAT included or excluded at the service price level.
The surcharge rate for any given price can be defined by a surcharge ratio or a mathematical expression.
Alternate surcharge period definitions for different companies and airports are supported.
The text based representation and generation of agreements from standard templates are soon to be implemented.