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About / Management
Gökhan Demir

Gökhan Demir
Gökhan Demir started his professional career in 1991. After taking part in several software development projects at Vipair, Ran Computer and Tempo Software, he started to work for Infina Software in 1996 where he has worked as a software development engineer and a software group coordinator. In the year 1999 he founded his own company with a colleague and started developing enterprise application frameworks and solutions that use these frameworks. Some of them are Yapı Kredi investment banking, Halk Reinsurance, and Çelebi Handling solutions. In 2006, he founded Modernus Software together with Işıl Demir. Gökhan Demir has a degree from Boğaziçi University Computer Programming Department, and is a national chess player as well.

Işıl Demir

Işıl Demir
Having started her professional career in 1999, Işıl Demir, worked as a project engineer and project leader in logistics and banking sectors. Starting from 2001, she took role in the project management, consulting, analysis, design, development and training processes of multi-tiered Enterprise Applications, within the IGOnline team. In 2006 she became one of the founder partners of Modernus Software. She is a graduate of Üsküdar American Academy and holds a B.Sc. degree from Yıldız Technical University Computer Science and Engineering Department.

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